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Help your cause or Help yourself!

Our company understands that helping the community, teaching valuable skills and raising awareness of improving our environment is ultimately in OUR hands!  Victory Gardens were doing just that almost 100 years ago.  We offer a percentage of each ticket sold for organizations, that want to book an event but also raise funds for their own cause.  At My Victory Garden, we get THAT! You can also come on board as an instructor and make extra green.  For those REAL GO GETTERS, you can also purchase your own territory!  The opportunities are endless with growth!  

Contact us at 434 783-5705 or email

Easy Instructions

Learn about the various plants, herbs and even hydroponic growing systems.  Learn about the how every sense benefits when you grow.


You can watch daily with good lighting or artificial, the progress of your venture with germination within 5 days and herb harvesting within as little as 15 days.


The watering activities help maintain maximum yield and often allow the new gardener to see immediate results. Learn about spritzing and how through root absorption plants propagate. 


Nutrients help with growth and yield and you can learn how the impact of this will help keep vitamens in the soil or root mesh that can help with re-use.  .


With just the air from indoors you can grow your garden indoors.  Different zones may not do as good if temperatures drop below 55 degrees faranheight.  For outside containers airflow through soil during hot spells can also impact the plants.  

Building Blocks​

Learn about recipes, making stocks, and how to harvest seeds for a repeat performance of your garden.  Once a customer, you can join our club and get access to our online forums, additional grow right tools for advance growers, and gain access to our gardening database that houses a wealth of information designed just for you to get the most our of your gardens.

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